Health and Safety
APMS is committed at every level of our organisations continuous improvement of our performance in workplace health, safety and the environment (WHSE), with a progressive reduction in injury frequency rates and the achievement of zero reportable incidents, breaches and community complaints.
We implement change based on lessons learnt from incidents across the industry, legislative amendments, regular internal and external audits and the wealth of experience of our skilled employees, subcontractors and suppliers. We monitor and measure the WHSE performance of all employees and subcontractors in relation to agreed objectives and targets on each of our Accounts.
Employee participation and consultation is vital to our WHSE performance. We empower our employees with the skills, confidence and support to manage their roles safely and effectively, with the training to identify, avoid or respond to incidents quickly and comprehensively. We are committed to ensuring all employees are qualified and inducted to manage each task required by their position and the Account.
APMS maintains an integrated management system and plan, covering three separate systems, greatly simplifying compliance and record keeping. It is externally audited and certified as compliant with ISO 9001:2008 (Quality Management), ISO 14001:2004 (Environmental Management) and AS/NZS 4801:2001 (WHSE Management). A major point of difference is that our systems are accredited at contract as well as corporate level. The objective of our environmental management system is to ensure effective management of organisational and operational environmental risk. Measureable objectives and targets, and a process of review aim at improving environmental performance. Ongoing organisational and management system audits are conducted to ensure compliance with corporate procedures, guidelines, codes of practice and legislation.
Our services aim to minimise impact on the environment. We are committed to working in a socially responsible way, in terms of meeting our clients’ needs without compromising those of future generations, while delivering exceptional value and quality. Every endeavor is taken to protect the environment and community from any impacts arising from our operations. We achieve this by maintaining open and meaningful consultation with all stakeholders, in particular the communities in which we operate, by the application of industry-leading ideas and innovations and by striving for continual improvement in our sustainability management.
We know that each one of us contributes to WHSE and we strive to empower our people to manage their roles in an environmentally responsible, safe and sustainable manner, always.
APMS believes that engagement is the key to improving health and safety. From our board members through to individual employees and contractors working on site. APMS is committed to driving continuous improvement in our health and safety management system. Across our network of health and safety professionals, we are able to respond quickly to project demands and work closely with joint venture partners to make health and safety an intuitive part of our culture.
At APMS, we understand that fostering a robust and responsive health and safety culture is a critical part of our obligation to our employees, our clients and the communities in which we operate. We underpin our strong culture of health and safety with a detailed, targeted and responsive safety governance framework and management system.
Supplementing our formal systems are a variety of cultural and behavioural initiatives to keep our focus on lead indicators as opposed to the traditional lag indicators. Our safety leadership index is one such initiative that constitutes our “balanced scorecard” and consists of three constructs namely; safety leadership practices, safety climate and operational indicators.
Our leaders encourage and support an ethos of ‘safety as a value’ and empower our staff to ‘make the big calls' if they believe safety is being compromised or risks exist that may pose unacceptable risk to peoples’ lives or wellbeing.
Through our health and safety management system, our goal is to:
- Develop a safe and healthy work environment for everyone associated with APMS
- Provide practical tools and techniques for use in the assessment and consideration of occupational health and safety issues across all work we undertake
- Provide expertise and resources to implement and maintain our health and safety policy
- Provide health and safety management processes to anyone working on an APMS projects
and client sites to assist in:
- preventing incidents
- implementing hazard reduction
- assessing, managing, controlling and reducing risk
- comprehensively managing injury and rehabilitation
- promoting health and continual improvement